Creating a Friendly Workspace to Boost Employee Efficiency

Title: Creating a Friendly Workspace to Boost Employee Efficiency

Case study author: Naveed Valakia

COO of Alibaba Travel Group



This case study examines how a company, (in this case study, a group of 50 employee), transformed its workplace culture into a more friendly and supportive environment, leading to a significant increase in employee efficiency and overall productivity. By fostering a collaborative, inclusive, and employee-centric workspace.

Some of our most Important goal was creating family like workspace, where everyone helping each other in tasks, and every target and KPIs were connected to everyone and whole at the same time, this action was able to demonstrate the positive impact of a friendly work environment on employee performance.

(This case study contains 48 individuals in the beginning, 46 of them were analyzed in the whole process while two left, so the first charts contains 46 people and second one 50 to balance the absence of two that left)


mentioned Solutions was implemented in a mid-sized tech company specializing in software development and IT solutions. In recent years, the company had been facing challenges related to employee turnover, burnout, and reduced productivity. To address these issues, changing the workplace from the old way of numbers and individual tasks to group activity and energetic friendship groups, embarked on a journey to create a friendly workspace with the aim of increasing employee efficiency.


Before the transformation, the workplace culture at Alibaba Travels was characterized by long hours, limited flexibility, and a lack of emphasis on employee well-being. The company recognized the need for change, not only to retain top talent but also to enhance overall 

employee satisfaction and productivity. In the process of analyzing behaviors, we found some common points that illustrates staff’s dissatisfaction:

  • High Employee Turnover: Frequent resignations or job changes within the organization
  • Decreased Productivity: A noticeable decline in work output, missed deadlines, or reduced efficiency 
  • Complaints About Work Conditions: Employees voicing concerns about the physical workspace, such as uncomfortable seating, poor lighting, inadequate temperature control, or safety issues.
  • Low Employee Engagement: A lack of enthusiasm and commitment to work. Disengaged employees may seem disinterested, less productive, and unenthusiastic about their tasks.
  • Increased Absenteeism: More frequent absences, sick days, or requests for leave 
  • Lack of Collaboration: Reduced teamwork, communication breakdowns, or a general lack of collaboration among employees 
  • Decline in Innovation: A decrease in the generation of new ideas, creative problem-solving, or an unwillingness to take risks 
  • Health and Stress Issues: Increased instances of stress-related health problems, such as anxiety or burnout
  • High Levels of Complaints and Grievances: A surge in formal or informal complaints, disputes, or grievances related to the work environment 
  • Lack of Employee Feedback: A notable absence of employee suggestions, feedback, or participation in improvement initiatives
  • Emotional or Behavioral Changes: Observing mood swings, frustration, irritability, or anxiety 
  • Low Employee Morale: A general sense of negativity, cynicism, or a lack of enthusiasm within the workplace 
  • Decreased Employee Retention: Higher employee turnover rates can indicate that employees are leaving 

Strategies and Implementation:

Before changing and implementing big changes and to avoid big permanent damage from unknown massive changes, we changed the main tasks from one person to group tasks, and determined some friendly shaped activities with part of the teams, the activities was as simple of gathering after work hours, registering gym classes together, going for a walk together, having lunchtime as team and family and many other simple things, we evaluated the results with many surveys and then we moved to next stage, we build up surveys as you can see below to evaluate first small steps:

Survey number one:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of satisfaction with the work-life balance in our company before and after the changes?

 Before: 1 2 3 4 5

 After: 1 2 3 4 5

  • How do you perceive the level of team collaboration within the company before and after the changes?

 Before: Much worse Worse No change Better Much better

 After: Much worse Worse No change Better Much better

  • Were you involved in any team buildings programs, and if so, did they positively impact your experience in the workplace?

 Yes, positively

 Yes, negatively


  • How has the availability of flexible work hours impacted your work efficiency and overall satisfaction?

 Much worse


 No change


 Much better

  • Have you noticed any positive changes in your overall efficiency and job satisfaction since the 

implementation of a friendly workspace? If so, please describe.

So, we made many surveys and interviews to gather many information till we were completely sure that we are doing the right thing,

Charts bellow illustrate the first level satisfaction from whole the data gatherings:

Chart 1: Employee Efficiency Before and After Creating a Friendly Workspace

Time Period                Employee Efficiency

Before                        35%

After                            45%

Chart 2: Employee Satisfaction with Workplace Environment

Aspect of Workplace Environment       Level of Satisfaction (Before)              Level of Satisfaction (After)

Work-Life Balance                                    2.5/5                                                       3.7/5

Team Collaboration                                 2.2/5                                                       3.8/5

Inclusivity                                                  1.9/5                                                       3.5/5

(*it was 48 persons contributed in this survey)

The latter chart extracted from employee’s answers to question 5, sorted from highest occurrences in answer sheets, and written as which one is more helpful for you during our process of action

Team buildings24%76%100%
Work hour flexibility2%36%62%100%
Group tasks35%65%100%
Manager availability39%61%100%
Friendly environment5%40%55%100%

After we witnessed the remarkable changes and demand between employer for extra aspect of the program, we used the following actions to complete the plan, plan of implementing a complete friendly shape work place to maximize personals potential and reduce their negative effect on each other and whole the company, what we did, to create a more friendly workspace, our Solutions implemented several key strategies written and ordered to all chief and middle managers as bellow:

  • Promote Open Communication:

Encourage employees to voice their opinions and concerns.

  • Implement an open-door policy:

where employees can easily approach managers and leaders.

  • Cultivate Inclusivity:

Promote diversity in the workplace and create a culture that values different perspectives.

  • Offer diversity and inclusion training for employees and leadership.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements:

Allow for flexible work hours, remote work, or compressed workweeks to accommodate employees’ personal needs.

  • Provide Growth Opportunities:

Offer training, mentorship programs, and opportunities for skill development and career advancement.

  • Encourage Work-Life Balance:

Set clear boundaries for work hours to avoid overworking employees.

  • Promote the use of paid time off and encourage employees to take regular breaks.
  • Create Comfortable Physical Spaces:

Design ergonomic workspaces with comfortable seating, good lighting, and proper temperature control.

  • Offer quiet spaces for focused work and relaxation areas for breaks.
  • Promote Health and Wellness:

Provide wellness programs, gym access, or health initiatives.

  • Encourage healthy eating options in the workplace.
  • Recognition and Rewards:

Implement a recognition and rewards program to acknowledge employees’ efforts and achievements.

  • Promote Team Building:

Organize team-building activities, workshops, and social events to foster a sense of belonging.

  • Empower Employee Decision-Making:

Involve employees in decision-making processes, especially those that affect their work and well-being.

  • Feedback Mechanisms:

Establish regular feedback mechanisms, like surveys and suggestion boxes, to gather employee input and act on it.

  • Mental Health Support:

Offer resources and programs that support mental health, such as counseling services or stress management workshops.

  • Clear Policies and Expectations:

Ensure that company policies and expectations are transparent and accessible to all employees.

  • Encourage Work-Related Education:

Support employees in pursuing further education or skills development related to their job.

  • Social Responsibility Initiatives:

Engage in social responsibility efforts, such as community service activities, to create a sense of purpose.

  • Conflict Resolution Mechanisms:

Implement clear processes for resolving conflicts and disputes in a fair and constructive manner.

  • Safety and Security Measures:

Ensure that employees feel safe in their workspace by implementing security measures and policies.

  • Regular Check-Ins:

Conduct regular one-on-one meetings between employees and managers to discuss performance, well-being, and concerns.

  • Lead by Example:

Leaders and managers should exemplify the values and behaviors expected from employees.

  • Continuous Improvement:

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your friendly workspace initiatives and make adjustments based on feedback and changing needs.

From mentioned, the five-bellow chosen as a most applicable one:

  • Flexible Work Hours: The company introduced flexible work hours, allowing employees to choose their schedules within certain limits. This change enabled employees to better balance work and personal life, reducing stress and burnout.
  • Inclusive Environment: our Solutions established an inclusive workplace culture by organizing diversity and inclusion training, setting up diversity committees, and actively promoting a sense of belonging for all employees.
  • Collaborative Spaces: The company redesigned the office layout to include open and collaborative spaces, encouraging team interaction and brainstorming.
  • Employee Support Programs: Implementing various programs, including mental health support, fitness activities, and career development opportunities, to ensure employees’ holistic well-being.
  • Team buildings: we made as many as team buildings we could, to bring whole the team together in non-working hours, give them the feeling of being a whole, a family, where 

they laughed, joyed and celebrated happiness.

Sample of survey given to employee after executing mentioned activities: (keep in mind the distance between first and second survey was a year, so the volume of changes didn’t appear over a night)

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of job satisfaction in our company after the implementation of the friendly workspace initiatives?

 1 (Very Dissatisfied)

 2 (Dissatisfied)

 3 (Neutral)

 4 (Satisfied)

 5 (Very Satisfied)

  • Have you observed an improvement in your overall efficiency and productivity since the introduction of our friendly environment initiatives?

 Yes, significantly

 Yes, somewhat

 No, no change

 No, it has decreased

  • How has a friendly workspace contributed to your work-life balance, and how has this affected your efficiency?

 Improved work-life balance, leading to better efficiency

 Improved work-life balance, but no significant effect on efficiency

 No change in work-life balance, but efficiency improved

 No change in work-life balance, and no impact on efficiency

 Decline in work-life balance, negatively impacting efficiency

  • Has the friendly environment encouraged more open communication and collaboration with your colleagues, positively influencing your efficiency?

 Yes, significantly

 Yes, somewhat

 No, no change

 No, it has decreased

  • Have you noticed any positive changes in your overall efficiency and job satisfaction since the 

implementation of a friendly workspace? If so, please describe.

Chart 1: Employee Efficiency Before and After Creating a Friendly Workspace

Time Period                Employee Efficiency

Before                        45%

After                            75%

Chart 2: Employee Satisfaction with Workplace Environment

Aspect of Workplace Environment       Level of Satisfaction (Before)              Level of Satisfaction (After)

Work-Life Balance                                    3.7/5                                                       4.7/5

Team Collaboration                                 3.8/5                                                       4.8/5

Inclusivity                                                  3.5/5                                                       4/5

(*it was 56 persons contributed in this survey, from the last 48 only two were absent)

The latter chart extracted from employee’s answers to question 6, sorted from highest occurrences in answer sheets, and written as which one is more helpful for you during our process of action

Team buildings2%98%100%
Manager availability5%95%100%
Between team’s activities12%88%100%
Excluding CEO from meetings5%21%73%100%
Family shaped workspace30%70%100%

As you can see in the results, the parameters increased gradually, we wrote the mains results as below


The implementation of these strategies led to several significant improvements:

  • Increased Employee Efficiency: Employee efficiency increased by 35% in the first year. Employees reported feeling more motivated and engaged in their work, resulting in higher productivity.
  • Reduced Turnover: Employee turnover decreased by 85%, saving the company substantial costs associated with recruitment and training. In the long term we worked with almost the same team for over 3 years.
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction: Employee satisfaction surveys revealed a notable increase in overall job satisfaction and a positive perception of the company’s culture.
  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Collaborative spaces led to a higher degree of idea sharing, ultimately fostering creativity and innovation.
  • Employee Feedback: mentioned Solutions actively sought feedback from its employees throughout the transformation process. Employees reported feeling valued, supported, and heard. Many cited improved work-life balance, a sense of belonging, and increased 

job satisfaction as reasons for their enhanced efficiency.


The transformation of workspace to family based friendly shaped significantly increased employee efficiency and overall productivity. By fostering a more inclusive, collaborative, and employee-centric culture, the company not only retained its talent but also attracted new, high-quality employees. This case study underscores the importance of creating a friendly workspace in achieving a motivated, efficient, and satisfied workforce, ultimately leading to 

business success.


Other organizations looking to increase employee efficiency can consider the following recommendations:

  • Invest in employee development and well-being programs.
  • Foster an inclusive and diverse workplace culture.
  • Provide flexible work arrangements to promote work-life balance.
  • Continuously gather feedback from employees to make ongoing improvements.

Creating a friendly workspace is not just a trend; it is a strategic imperative for businesses seeking long-term success in the modern world.In conclusion, A friendly workspace is essential in our new working systems for several important reasons:

. Enhanced Employee Well-Being: 

    In modern working systems, the focus has shifted from mere task completion to a holistic approach that considers employees’ mental and physical well-being. A friendly workspace helps reduce stress and burnout, leading to happier and healthier employees.

    . Increased Productivity:

      When employees feel comfortable, supported, and appreciated in their workspace, they tend to be more productive. Friendly environments often lead to improved motivation and efficiency.

      • Higher Employee Retention:

       The cost of recruiting, hiring, and training new employees is substantial. A friendly workspace promotes employee satisfaction, which, in turn, reduces turnover rates, saving organizations time and resources.

      • Attracting Top Talent:

      In a competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial. Companies that offer a friendly work environment have a competitive advantage in attracting skilled professionals who are looking for a work-life balance and a positive workplace culture.

      • Fostering Innovation:

      A friendly workspace encourages open communication, collaboration, and creativity. Employees are more likely to share ideas and work together in an environment where they feel safe and valued. This fosters innovation and the development of new ideas.

      • Adaptability and Resilience:

      The modern workplace is dynamic and often requires employees to adapt quickly. In a friendly workspace, employees tend to be more resilient and adaptable to change, as they feel supported and less resistant to new challenges.

      • Positive Company Culture:

      A friendly workspace contributes to the development of a positive company culture. This culture not only benefits employees but also influences how customers perceive the company, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

      • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

      Companies that prioritize a friendly workspace often align with sustainability and CSR initiatives. A positive work environment demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and employee welfare, which can enhance the company’s reputation.

      • Health and Safety:

      The events of recent years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have heightened the importance of health and safety in the workplace. A friendly workspace may include measures to ensure employees’ physical safety and health, which is vital in the new working systems.

      • Legal and Ethical Considerations:

      In many regions, there are legal and ethical obligations for employers to provide a safe and non-discriminatory workplace. A friendly workspace helps organizations meet these obligations and avoid potential legal issues.

      In the evolving landscape of work, where remote and hybrid work models are becoming more common, a friendly workspace remains crucial, even in virtual settings. Companies that prioritize creating friendly, inclusive, and supportive work environments are better equipped to meet the changing needs and expectations of their employees while reaping the benefits of improved efficiency, innovation, and employee satisfaction.


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